IceGuye Blog

How to set a color theme on both Emacs and EmacsClient

Emacs is a great free software and it is an plain text editor. EmacsClient is controlling tool to run Emacs. It prevents you to open more than one Emacs instant, so it will open your text file onto an already running Emacs window or console.

Available Custom Themes: adwaita -- Face colors similar to the default theme of Gnome 3 (Adwaita). deeper-blue -- Face colors using a deep blue background. dichromacy -- Face colors suitable for red/green color-blind users. light-blue -- Face colors utilizing a light blue background. manoj-dark -- Very high contrast faces with a black background. misterioso -- Predominantly blue/cyan faces on a dark cyan background. tango-dark -- Face colors using the Tango palette (dark background). tango -- Face colors using the Tango palette (light background). tsdh-dark -- Minor tweaks to the Emacs dark-background defaults. tsdh-light -- Minor tweaks to the Emacs white-background defaults. wheatgrass -- High-contrast green/blue/brown faces on a black background. whiteboard -- Face colors similar to markers on a whiteboard. wombat -- Medium-contrast faces with a dark gray background.

Some tutorials say that, you can add the following line to ~/.emacs to set a color theme:

(load-theme 'misterioso t)

However, if you only do that, it can only work for Emacs. It means that, if you use EmacsClient to open your file, the color theme will not be set.

So the correct way to do is add the following liine to ~/.emacs:

 '(custom-enabled-themes (quote (manoj-dark)))
 '(inhibit-startup-screen t))

That's it. Have fun, be free.

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