Nethack is a crazy rogue-like video game. It is crazy because it is extremely hard. It has many random events. Although you are a very skillful and careful hardcore gamer, you cannot ensure to complete the final mission, because skill and carefulness cannot fully control random events.
In Nethack, elf female wizard is one of the most powerful role in end game. However, it is difficult in early game, because the player cannot know which magic they will get. The player cannot even know if they will get a powerful or even useful magic spell book in the mid game. It means that if you are unlucky, the shitty magic that you have cannot even help you survive in the mid game.
Therefore, some player want to cheat just in order to decrease the influence of luck factor. There are two main methods -- pudding farming and starting scumming. Pudding farming actually is a difficult skill that I still have no time and opportunity to perform it. There is a bot to do that, but I still haven't figured out how it works.
Now I want to talk about start scumming and a bot that I have written. Start scumming means that people continually recreate hero in order to get certain inventories and stats. My bot will scum one magic missile spell, stat of intelligence to 20, and two useful rings. Actually, although it is a bot, it still needs a very very long time in order to get the entire four situations.
System requirement: 1) Linux or other Posix compatible system 2) Python 2.7 3) Python-pip 4) Well installed Nethack(should be install properly in your /usr or /usr/local)
$ wget -O
$ python So you are good to go. It needs a long time. You can unmark the Line 21 to increase the speed, but the program probably will become unstable. You can remove one to two conditions on both Line 13 and 56. The less conditions, the faster.
There is a very fun fact you may already know: there is not a real random number in computer, but all are fake. Let's see what happen in Nethack. Unmark the Line 21 and run the program. Watch your console the you will found that, at every single short period, the hero that it created will have completely same stats, such as same magic, same rings, and same intelligence number. It means that the random number in Nethack is based on or partially based on computer system clock.
That's it, have fun, be free.