Some simple settings on vim when code Python
To code python, we need some simple settings on vim, because python is a very special programming language that requires indentation. It requires 4 spaces before each logical block. If we use default settings, the click-click-click-click is the most thing you do in coding, and it is awful.
Actually we only need add 4 lines in vim's configure file, so let's open it:
$ vim ~./vimrc
and then, add these 4 lines:
syntax on
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set expandtab
It is simple right, but what are the means of the 4 lines?
"syntax on" is to turn on the programming highlight. Your editor will display different colors based on your programming logic.
"set tabstop=4" is to change each tab from 8 spaces width(default) to 4 spaces width.
"set shiftwidth=4" is to change each indenting command from 8 spaces width(default) to 4 spaces width.
"set expandtab" is to change every TAB to space characters.
There is also a tip when you are coding. If you need to indent more then one line, for example, to indent 42 lines, you can use this command:
There is elementary school math tip: you do not need to count every single line in a block. You can do it like this: Bottom line number - top line number + 1 = total line number of a block
All right, that's it, have fun, be free.