IceGuye Blog

Start Programming the Pedalboard-Midi-STM32

Hello all,

I would like to introduce a new program to you.

This program is an embeded program to make a STM32 evaluation board (STM32F429ZIT6U) to become a midi controller of a home-built 32-key organ pedalboard. It is written in Rust Program Language, and it is free and open source software, as always. You can get the source codes from here:

This program intends to use magnetic sensors and convert the strengh of magnetic field to midi signal.

This program is still in early development. Actually, I am a new learner in both Rust programming language and embeded programming, so it may take a long time to finish, or you may see a lot of mistakes and rewrittings. If you have more knowledge in this field and want introduce some of them to me, feel free to contact me via [email protected]

That is it. Have fun. Be free.

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