IceGuye Blog

Why this blog is so slow?!

Why this blog is so slow?!

Maybe one reason is that this blog is hosted in a small studio with a slow Internet speed. However, there must be yet another reason. This reason is much more ridiculous than what you can image. The ISPs limit the the Internet speed of small companies but boost for large companies, because large company can pay more money to them.

On our website, all contents are free, although they are small projects, and most them have not finished yet. Nonetheless, free projects, small projects, and still-in-development(sid) projects are all important parts to people. Some people like to download them. Furthermore, if more and more people can download them, more and more people will join and contribute to these project. For there reasons, Internet speed is tremendously important for small companies, organization, and the most significantly, free software and free art content projects.

If you want to help us to improve our Internet speed, you do not need to donate money to us, and please do not. All you need to do is to share our voice to public. Voice is more important than money to get freedom. Please read this article on Free Software Foundation(, and then, follow its guide to submit your statement

Thank you for your consideration. We need voice.

Have fun, be free!

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